I first learned to code when I was around 10, creating a bash script quiz game in notepad. This simple program ignited my passion for coding, and inspired me to use programming to solve and implement solutions to everyday challenges and problems.
My interests include Backend Development, Cloud Computing, Embedded Systems/Firmware, and Machine Learning. I hope to one one day combine all these skills and achieve a goal in IoT development. However, I still have a lot to explore and learn, so I am open to any and all opportunities!
I am originally from Toronto, but I like to explore and travel to new places. In my free time, I do photography, which has been a hobby of mine ever since I learned how to use my family's point and shoot camera. I also practice Taekwondo, having received my first degree black belt in 2019, after training for over 10 years. Finally, I volunteer at my local food bank called "FeedScarborough" on the weekends and some weekdays, when I am back in Toronto. They're a great organization dedicated to addressing the issue of food insecurity in the Scarborough neighbourhood. You can learn more about them here.
Technologies I am experienced with:
Wrmth is a company based in North Bay, Ontario, developing and building luxury patio furniture for the winter cottage season. I had the opportunity to work on the firmware for their heated chairs, which were controllable via a mobile application, communicating over BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy). My project was to enable the chair to connect to a user's home WiFi network, so that the chair could be controlled remotely, via AWS. I wrote code that worked with AWS IoT core to allow the chairs to securely provision their own credentials and AWS IoT entities. Furthermore, I enabled simultaneous BLE and WiFi connections, on the chair, which was one of the hardest challenges I faced in this project, since the board had a single radio, so I had to leverage FreeRTOS to manage the two connections, without interference.
September 2024 - December 2024Developed firmware for the AI/ML operations of the In-Vehicle-Infotainment system of future Ford Vehicles. Specifically developed a hardware accelerated video decoder to operate in QNX on a SA8295P Snapdragon SoC. The AUTOSAR service was developed in C++, and provided other AUTOSAR Services the ability to be tested on pre-determined, decoded video footage, instead of requiring a physical camera module.
January 2024 - April 2024UW Blueprint is a club at Waterloo that develops technological solutions for various non-profit organizations around the world. I was a developer on a team called "A Better Tent City". They are an organization dedicated to providing various necessities and shelters to those in need, in the Kitchener-Waterloo region (More information about them can be found here: https://www.abettertentcity.org/). In this time, I developed Backend APIs for a volunteer management application, using MongoDB, Express.js, and Prisma.
September 2023 - December 2023Developed backend software using Spring Boot for vehicle fleet managment applications, which converted Ford entities (such as Vehicles and Clients) between different Ford Pro applications. Collaborated on a much larger scale comapred to previous co-ops, learning how to use PostgreSQL to work with Ford's product line database (the database shared amongst all ford applications).
May 2023 - August 2023Developed a student response system, full-stack applicaiton, called YuJa Engage. The front end was developed in React.js and the Backend APIs were developed in Java. The purpose of our product was to allow educational instructors to provision quizzes and polls to students during lecture/class time.
September 2022 - December 2022Developed contest proctoring web application(s) using MySQL and PHP for the backend, and vanilla JavaScript for the frontend. Also created in-house software to eliminate manual processes for customer service team (i.e. a participant archival system) and the contest creation team (i.e. a LaTeX to HTML conversion script).
January 2022 - May 2022Volunteered to work virtually with various developers globally, to develop a digital calendar/schedule tracker to help a client with Autism plan his week, and gain digital and personal independence. Responsible for developing the first iteration of the app in Vanilla JavaScript, HTML and CSS. Aided in pushing application to open source. To learn more about this initiative, please visit: https://inclusion-ui.com/activity-calendar/.
July 2021 - October 2021Partnered with Rogers Media Team to develop a computer vision model, using Microsoft Azure Computer Vision Services, to analyze hockey game footage to track players and pucks, for statistical analysis of players and game strategies.
July 2021 - August 2021Developed firmware in C and ARM Assembly for various parts of a Solar Powered Car, including the Battery Management System, the Bootloader, Temperature Monitors, and more. Worked with and flashed code onto STM 32 Microcontrollers.
June 2021 - April 2022A coaster built with an ESP32 microcontroller that monitor my water consumption levels and send the results to a Swift-based Mobile App. The raw data is sent to Firebase, and an Express.js server performs the necessary calculations to determine the user's hydration levels.
A chrome extension that analyzes the comments of a YouTube video a user is currently watching, and returns the overall sentiment score on a scale of 0% to 100% (a pseudo replacement for the now removed dislike button)